Collated from
"An Introduction to Volap�k" by Ed Robertson,
the ten-lesson postal course by Ralph Midgley,
and Volap�k and English dictionaries.
Material applies to modern Volap�k as revised by Arie de Jong.
This reference is not intended to be a complete description of
Volap�k grammar.
Please send any corrections or additions to bartlett at
- (S) | Nominative |
-A(S) | Genitive |
-E(S) | Dative |
-I(S) | Accusative |
-U(S) | Predicative |
O | Vocative particle |
ob / obs | I / we |
ol / ols | you (1 person) / you (more than 1 person) |
om / oms | he / they (all males) |
of / ofs | she / they (all females) |
on / ons | it / they (neuter or mixed gender) |
ok / oks | (reflexive) |
od / ods | (reciprocative) |
oy | "one" |
os | (impersonal {null subject}) |
or / ors | "polite" forms of ol and ols (hardly ever used except poetically) |
Part of Arie de Jong's official modern grammar, but never used are og (you or me) and ogs (you and me / you and us).
Some other pronouns are: atos (this), etos (that), it (itself), ot (the same thing), ut (whoever), kel, kelos (who/which: relative, not question), kin (who?), kif (who? female). kim (who? male), kis (what?), ek (somebody), nek (nobody), bos (something), nos (nothing), valikos (all, everything), �m (several, some), �man (someone, such a one, such person), al (each, every).
P()- | Passive (PA- for present tense) |
E- | Present Perfect |
�- | Imperfect |
I- | Pluperfect |
O- | Future |
U- | Future Perfect |
�- | Future in the Past |
�- | Future in the Past Perfect |
-�N | Infinitive |
-�D | Imperative (added after personal ending) |
-�S | Optative (added after personal ending) |
-�V | Conditional (added after personal ending) |
-�L | Participle (verbal adjective) |
--LA | Subjunctive (appended with hyphen) |
Whether a verb is naturally transitive or intransitive varies from one word to the next. Transitive verbs can be made intransitive by inserting the affix -ik, and intransitive verbs made transitive by the use of the affix -�k.
The affix -ik can be used with intransitive verbs, and -�k with verbs that are normally transitive. In these cases, they provide a kind of medial voice or causative voice respectively.
BE- | (make indirect object the direct object) | -AF | names of animals |
D�- | broken into pieces | -AG | abundance |
DEI- | until death | -AM | verbal noun |
DO- | downward motion | -AN | someone who is or does something |
DU- | movement through | -AT | amount of |
FA- | absence | -AV | science |
FE- | complete consumption | -�B | recipient of, victim |
FI- | to the end; completion | -�D | generalisation of effect |
F�I- | shut | -�N | country |
HI- | male | -�T | abstraction |
JI- | female | -ED | particularisation |
LA- | raising up | -EF | group of people |
KE- | together | -EL | maker of |
L�X- | ex-; emeritus | -EM | group of things |
LE- | size (physical or abstract); ancestry (e.g., grandparent) |
-EP | plant |
LU- | disparagement; step relationship | -ER | content(s) |
L�- | in-law | -ET | consequential or concrete example |
NE- | opposite | -I�L | tendency, inclination |
NI- | interior object | -I�R | container |
N�- | movement into | -IL | diminutive |
PL�- | exterior object | -IM | philosophy |
RU- | primitive, ancient | -OD | softer or less serious example |
S�- | remission | -OT | harder or more serious example |
-OV | possibility | ||
-�F | quality | ||
-�P | place | ||
-�M | equipment | ||
-�D | compass point | ||
-�L | young of; endearment | ||
--LI | (with hyphen) interrogative, appended to verb |
The comparative and superlative of adjectives is formed by adding -um or -�n respectively after the -ik and before any case or number agreement. The prepositions used with the comparative and superlative degrees are ka and se respectively.
The other parts of speech are prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. These can exist as roots in themselves, with no particular ending.
Ag! | Ooh! | Fi! | Nonsense! | Y�b�! | Ha! |
Ha! | Aha! | He! | Hey! | Ady�! | Bye! |
O! | O! | �! | Wow! | Y�! | Hurrah! |
N�! | O no! | Si! | O yes! | Ek�! | Look!, Here is/are |
S�! | I say! |
Any other suitable words can also be made into interjections simply by adding the final vowel -�. For example:
Dan�! | Thanks! | Seil�! | Shut up! |
F�m�! | Of course! | Spid�! | Get a move on! |
Lied�! | Dear me! | Stop�! | Halt! |
Pr�d�! | Look out! | Zed�! | Make way! |
Ab | but | Asa, As� | as, as well as | Zu, Zuo | moreover |
Bi | because | Ib� | for, because | �f | even if, in case of, insofar as |
Do | though | Das | that | U(d){...u(d)} | {either...}or |
Du | while | To� | yet (despite) | Ni{..Ni} | neither{...nor} |
E(d) | and | Too | yet (however), nevertheless | Klu | so |
If | if | Va | whether | Ka | than |
�(d) | or (Latin sive) | Ven | when | Dat | so that |
�si | such as | � | and* |
(*This conjunction is sometimes used with multiple adjectives modifying the same substantive.)
Any other suitable words can also be made into conjunctions simply by adding the final vowel -�. For example:
Bis� | provided that | Kod� | by reason of which |
B�� | before | Pas� | only when |
G�� | on the other hand | To� | despite, in spite of |
Da | through | Me | by means of | Ma | according to | Pro | for |
De | of/from/off | Nen | without | Nen | without | Ad | for, to, in order to |
Dis | under | Ko | with | Po | behind (place) | Za, Zao | about |
Fa | by (person) | B� | before (time); ago | V� | between, among | Pos | after |
Fo | in front of | Su | on | In | in | Se | out (of), from |
Ini | into | Sus | above | Ta | against | As, �s | as |
T� | at, in | L� | by (position), with | Du | during | Len | at, on |
P� | at | Bev� | between, among | Bin� | (made) of | Ve | along |
Sis | since | To | in spite of | Sa | together with | Plas | instead (of) |
�n� | within (a time) | D� | about, in | L� | to (= direction) | T� | at, on (= time) |
J� | up to | G� | contrary to | �n | at, in, on (time) | Love | over |
Pla | besides | Bai | according to |
Some prepositions can take an ending -i to show motion.
Any other suitable words can also be made prepositions by the simple addition of -�. For example:
Dem� | with regard to | Nil� | near to | Don� | below |
Dom� | at the house of | Bin� | made of | Trav�r� | across |
G�n� | in favour of | Lab� | comprising | V�t�l� (+ noun) | considering |
Nem� | in the name of | Kod� | because of | Veg� | on the way to |
Tef� | concerning, with regard to |
Ai | always | Us | there | Vio | how (relative) | Tu | too (excessively) |
Ba | perhaps | Ya | already | L�po | above | Anu | at this moment, now |
I(d) | also | Ye | however | Ti | almost | Go | quite, very |
Is | here | Nu | now | Nog | yet (still) | Ga | certainly, indeed |
Mu | extremely | K� | where (relative) | Neai | never | J�nu | up to now |
Plu | more | K� | when (relative) | Sevabo | namely, that is | Igo | even |
Te | only | Lio | how (question) | T�no | then | Igo no | not even |
Enu | recently | Zu | in addition, moreover | Ebo | just | Sosus | as soon as |
Suno | soon | Alna | each time | �mna | sometimes |
The questions where? and when? are ki�po? and ki�po? respectively. These are formed from ki- then the affix of place or time respectively (-�p- or -�p-), then the adverb ending.
As for the whence? (= from where?) and the whither? (= to where?), these two adverbs are expressed in Volap�k simply and logically by the endings -AO = from where? and -IO = to where? as in: domao = from the house, and domio = to the house
Numbers follow their noun.
bal | 1 | degbal | 11 | teldegbal | 21 | foldeg | 40 | |
tel | 2 | degtel | 12 | teldegtel | 22 | luldeg | 50 | |
kil | 3 | degkil | 13 | teldegkil | 23 | m�ldeg | 60 | |
fol | 4 | teldegfol | 24 | veldeg | 70 | |||
lul | 5 | teldeglul | 25 | j�ldeg | 80 | |||
m�l | 6 | teldegm�l | 26 | z�ldeg | 90 | |||
vel | 7 | teldegvel | 27 | tum | 100 | |||
j�l | 8 | teldegj�l | 28 | mil | 1000 | |||
z�l | 9 | teldegz�l | 29 | balion | 1 000 000 (10^6) | |||
deg | 10 | teldeg | 20 | kildeg | 30 | telion | 10^12 | |
kilion | 10^18 | |||||||
etc. |
teltumkildegfolmil lultumm�ldegvel
234 567
folbalion j�ltumveldegm�lmil kiltumteldegz�l
4 876 329
dim | 0,1 |
zim | 0,01 |
mim | 0,001 |
dimmim | 0,0001 |
zimmim | 0,00001 |
balyim | 0,000001 |
The fractional part should be read as if an integer number, followed by the decimal fraction word to give the order of magnitude. Thus:
0,345 = kiltumfoldeglul mim
0,123456 = tumteldegkilmil foltumluldegm�l balyim
For smaller magnitudes telyim (10^-12), kilyim (10^-18) etc. are formed in the same way as their high magnitude counterparts telion, kilion, etc.
Ordinal numerals
are formed by the suffix -id;
Fractional numerals are formed by the suffix -dil;
Repetition or multiplication is expressed by the suffix -na.
Monday | mudel | January | janul | August | gustul |
Tuesday | tudel | February | febul | September | setul |
Wednesday | vedel | March | m�zul | October | tobul |
Thursday | d�del | April | prilul | November | novul |
Friday | fridel | May | mayul | December | dekul |
Saturday | z�del | June | yunul | ||
Sunday | sudel | July | yulul |
binos minuts deg pos d�p balid = It's 1.10
binos foldil pos d�p balid = It's 1.15
binos d�palaf pos bal = It's 1.30
binos minuts teldeg b� d�p telid = It's 1.40
binos foldil b� tel = It's 1.45
binos sekuns kildeg b� d�p tel = It's thirty seconds to two o' clock
As you will see, the system is very flexible. There's a long way round (pos/b� d�p balid) or a short way round (pos/b� bal) depending on your preference. To express a.m. simply say g�da = of the morning; to express p.m. say poszedelo = after the middle of the day. The continental system works just as well, and saves a word or two. Thus 15.35 is Binos minuts teldeglul b� d�p degm�l. Again, use whatever suits you best!