This is the Babel text in modern Volapük (as revised by the Dutchman Arie de Jong in 1931) plus a more or less literal translation:


1. Da tal äbinon pük balik e spik kobädik.

Throughout the earth there-was a language single and a speech common.


2. E ven ätevons lofüdao, ätuvons kamaläni in län <Jinar>, ed us älödons.

And when they-moved from-the-east, they-found a plain in the land Shinar, and there they-lived.


3. Ed äsagons balan lü votikan: "Föfö, mekobsöd baka­stonis e bakobsöd otis in fil!" Ed ägebons bakastonis äs bumastons e tari äs mort.

And they-said one to the other: "Forward! Let-us-make bricks and bake the-same in fire!" And they-used bricks for building-stones and tar for mortar.


4. Ed äsagons: "Föfö, bumobsöd obes zifi e tümi, sömit kela orivon sili, dat ofamikobs e no poseajedobs love tal lölik."

And they-said: "Foreward! Let-us-build ourselves a city and a tower, the top of-which will-reach the sky, so-that we-will-become-famous and not will-be-asunder-thrown over the earth whole."


5. E Söl änexänom ad logön zifi e tümi, kelis menacils äbumons.

And the Lord descended to see the city and the tower which the children-of-man made.


6. Ed äsagom: "Ekö, binos pöp bal e pük bal bevü ons ed eprimons ad dunön atosi; obes nos onemögon, kelosi odesinons.

And he-said: "Behold! it-is people one and language one between them, and they-have-begun to do this; to-them nothing will-be-impossible which they-will-plan.


7. Föfö! Nexänobsöd e kofudükobsöd püki onas, dat no osuemons odis."

Forward! Let-us-descend and let-us-confuse the language of-them so-that not they-will-understand each-other."


8. E Söl äseajedom onis usao love tal lölik, ed ästöpedons ad bumön zifi.

And the Lord threw-asunder them from-there over the earth whole, and they-stopped to build the city.


9. E sekü atos zif pänemon eli <Babel>, bi Söl us äkofudükom püki vola lölik, ed usao äseajedom onis love länas valik.

And as-a-consequence-of this the city was-named the "Babel", because the Lord there confused the language of-the-world whole, and from-there he-asunder-threw them over lands all.


Notes: In Volapük, the adjective usually follows the noun. In the literal translation words expressed in one Volapük word are joined by hyphens.

Pronounciation: j is sh, c is ch, x is ks. The umlaut letters are as in German (a good grounding in German is helpful if you want to use Volapük properly (joke!))



Here follows the same text in the original Volapük of 1896 by Johann Martin Schleyer:


1. Ed in vol lölik äbinom pük bal e sag baladik.

And in the world whole there-was a language one and a speech common.


2. E ven ätävedoms de lofüd, ätuvoms kami in län <Jinar>, ed us älödoms.

And when they-travelled from the east, they-found a plain in the land  Shinar, and there they-lived.


3. Ed äsagoms balim votime: "Bifö, teinobsös e bakobsös teinis otsi in fil!" Ed ägeboms teinis plo stons e bitumi plo moltal.

And they-said one to the other: "Forward! Let-us-make-bricks and bake the bricks in fire!" And they-used bricks for tones and tar for mortar.


4. Ed äsagoms: "Bifö, biladobsös obes zifi e tümi, kela tip orivon sili, dat mekobs obse nem e no podisipoms love tal lölik."

And they-said: "Foreward! Let-us-build ourselves a city and a tower, of-which the top will-reach the sky, so-that we-will-make ourselves a name and not will-be-scattered over the earth whole."


5. E Söl ädonxänom al logön zifi e tümi, kelis sons mena äbiledoms.

And the Lord descended to see the city and the tower which the sons of man made.


6. Ed äsagom: "Ekö, ven ebeginoms al dunön ati as pöp bal püköl püki bal, tän omse nos obinom nemögik, kelosi odesinoms.

And he-said: "Behold! When they-have-begun to do this as people one speaking language one, then to-them nothing will-be impossible which they-will-plan.


7. Befö! Donxänobsös e kofudobsös püki omsa, dat no okapäloms balim votimi."

Forward! Let-us-descend and let-us-confuse the language of-them so-that not they-will-understand one the other."


8. E Söl ädisipom omsi de us love tal lölik, ed ästopoms al biledön zifi."

And the Lord scattered them from-there over the earth whole, and they-stopped to build the city.


9. Sikod zif pänemom Babel, bi Söl us äkofudom püki vola lölik, ed de us ädisipom omsi love läns valik.

Therefore, the city was-named Babel, because the Lord there confused the language of-the-world whole, and from-there he-scattered them over lands all.