Dean Gahlon. The Grammar of Volapük. Pibevobon fa ‚Ken Caviness‘.
gram_Volgram.html (3,32 KB)
Volapük Grammatical Forms.
Collated from "An Introduction to Volapük" by Ed Robertson, the ten-lesson postal course by Ralph Midgley, and Volapük and English dictionaries.
volgram.html (30,8 KB) | ![]() (195 KB) |
Pronunciation of Volapük.
Ralph Midgley. Quick Look at Volapük.
Quick Iook at Vp.doc (74 KB) | ![]() (69,1 KB) |
Phonetic description of the Volapük vowels. (52 KB)
About the Correct Use of Upper and Lower Case Initials in Volapük Texts. Translated by ‚Hermann Philipps‘.
This file contains the paragraphs on the use of upper and lower case initials according to "Gramat Volapüka" by Arie de Jong plus an English translation. (17,8 KB)
Affixes Volapüka. Every known affix and quasi-affix of Volapük, not including the well-known part-of-speech affixes.
Affixes.docx (18 KB)
Ralph Midgley. Volapük Vifik. 10-lesson course.
![]() (1,35 MB) Complete Course (PDF, Chris McDowell). | volvif00.html (1,99 KB) | volvif01.html (8,80 KB) | volvif02.html (11,4 KB) | volvif03.html (10,8 KB) | volvif04.html (7,86 KB) |
volvif05.html (10,1 KB) | volvif06.html (7,34 KB) | volvif07.html (8,34 KB) | volvif08.html (8,07 KB) | volvif09.html (9,18 KB) | volvif10.html (9,18 KB) |
Volapük in Use. Documents about particle and affix usage. (64,6 KB) All 14 notes in .doc format. | (54,8 KB) The files in cannot be read by Windows due tu illegal characters in their file names. This is an archive with the same files but legal characters in their names. | (61,5 KB) |
Ralph Midgley, 2005. Volapük for Everyone. A beginning grammar. Volapük pro alan.
![]() (197 KB) Complete Course (PDF, Chris McDowell). | ![]() (66,5 KB) Answer Keys (PDF, Chris McDowell). | (71 KB) All 14 lessons in .doc format. | (35,7 KB) All 13 keys in .doc format. | Volapük For (91,3 KB) Volapük For Everyone (course)(complete). |
Ralph Midgley, 2005. Summary of Volapük.
Ralph Midgley, 2005. Volapük in Action. An intermediate grammar. Volapük jäfedik.
![]() (484 KB) Complete Course (PDF, Chris McDowell). | ![]() (122 KB) Answer Keys (PDF, Chris McDowell). | (201 KB) All 28 lessons in .doc format. | (67,3 KB) All keys for lessons 11-28 in .doc format. | Volapük In (247 KB) Volapük In Action (course)(complete). | (252 KB) Volapük In Action (with all lessons and keys). |
Ed. Robertson, 1994. An Introduction to Volapük.
VGramEN.txt (30,9 KB) | ![]() (72,9 KB) PDF version. |
W. A. Seret, 1885. Grammar with vocabularies of volapük: The language of the world for all speakers of the English language. Translated and published with the consent of the Inventor, Yohann Martin Schleyer by W. A. Seret. Dabükot 2id. Glasgow (Scotland), London (England): Thomas Murray. (6,80 MB)
1886. Universal language: English and volapük. (686 KB)
Samuel Huebsch, 1887. Volapük. A guide for learning the Universal Language. New York (USA): Plaindealer Print. (11,5 MB)
Charles Ezra Sprague, 1888. Hand-book of Volapük. Dabükot 4id. New York (USA), London (England), Chicago (USA): The Office Company.
![]() (4,53 MB) | ![]() (488 KB) |
Auguste Kerckhoffs, 1888. Abridged grammar of Volapük. Chicago (USA). Translated by ‚Karl Dornbusch‘.
Adapted to the use of English speaking people by Karl Dornbusch, Teacher of Modern Languages.
![]() (479 KB) | ![]() (1,64 MB) | ![]() (556 KB) | ![]() (1,20 MB) |
Auguste Kerckhoffs, 1888. A complete course of Volapük with grammar, exercises, and two vocabularies of about 5000 words. Dabükot 2id. London (England), Paris (Fransän), Boston (USA): Librairie Hachette. Translated by ‚I. Henry Harrison‘.
Adapted from the French of Prof. Aug. Kerckhoffs by I. Henry Harrison. Second Completely Revised Edition. (105 MB)
Alfred Kirchhoff, 1888. Volapük or universal language: A short grammatical course by Alfred Kirchhoff, Professor of Geography at University of Halle. Dabükot 3id. London (England). (6,59 MB)
Alfred Kirchhoff, 1888. Volapük or universal language: A short grammatical course by Alfred Kirchhoff, Professor of Geography at University of Halle. Dabükot 2id. London (England): Swan Sonnenschein. (12,9 MB)
Julius A. van Aalst, 1888. The universal language Volapük containing the principles of grammar and syntax and a vocabulary of 3.000 words. 厦门市 (Tsyinän): Man-Shing. (12,9 MB)
O. J. Stilwell, 1888. A Volapük Grammar. Dabükot 2id. Boston (USA): Charles C. Beale. (2,87 MB)
Heinrich Maria Hain, 1888. The international language. A complete grammar of Volapük. With an introduction by Samuel Eadon. London (England): Carr. (39,3 MB)
J. Hanno Deiler, 1888. Volapük. A short grammar with aids. New Orleans (USA). (0 B)
Klas August Linderfelt, 1888. Volapük. An easy method of acquiring the universal language. Dabükot 2id. Milwaukee (USA): C. N. Caspar & H. H. Zahn.
An easy method of acquiring the universal language, constructed by Johann Martin Schleyer. Prepared for the English-speaking public on the basis of Alfred Kirchhoff’s Hilfsbuch. With the addition of a Key to the Exercises and a Volapük-English and English-Volapük Vocabulary. (0 B)
Alfred A. Post, 1890. Comprehensive Volapük Grammar. Mattapan (USA). (13,2 MB)
A sketch of the world language. New York (USA): E. Steiger & Co.. (20,8 MB)